Why are websites like this?

So many websites today are trash.

Phasellus consectetur urna risus, at feugiat mauris vehicula et. In euismod felis in risus eleifend mattis. Morbi tincidunt vel erat non malesuada. Sed vel efficitur purus. Vestibulum in commodo nibh. Cras ornare lobortis nibh, vitae aliquam leo venenatis elementum. Fusce dapibus aliquam tortor, a cursus enim. Mauris dictum malesuada arcu ut consectetur. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec at volutpat neque. Duis vestibulum purus suscipit, rhoncus nisi eu, venenatis lorem.

Nam a iaculis nibh, in posuere dolor. Aliquam ac odio quis sapien scelerisque tristique at ac neque. Praesent venenatis urna rutrum imperdiet pellentesque. Cras quis facilisis turpis, non maximus lacus. Aliquam aliquet urna eu lacinia posuere. Nunc at varius nulla, sed dignissim quam. Phasellus rutrum quam quam, vitae varius mauris auctor id. Nullam mollis erat at urna commodo, sed volutpat enim mollis. Vivamus maximus mauris ut dui congue pretium a vel purus. Suspendisse magna mi, dictum eget lectus vitae, venenatis aliquet felis. Morbi varius efficitur tincidunt. Donec quis est et ante dignissim rhoncus. Integer vitae justo id diam lacinia aliquam varius in odio. Integer sit amet efficitur enim, quis auctor orci. Ut tempus varius viverra.

Then content is locked behind a paywall.

Even though you just saw that all the content was there a second ago. But we detected that you're not googlebot, so we decided you can't see it. But don't worry, we will always promote free information! Just pay us as little as $1/month*

*when paying for 10 years in one lump sum.

Or maybe there's not a paywall, but instead the page will just load and everything will seem normal. You'll start reading, scanning the page for the information you're looking for, when all of a sudden…

Ads pop up and cover the whole damn page!

Click the play button to continue.

Don't forget to sign up!

A massive popup comes to block the whole screen. So that we can ask you to sign up for some free spam!

Even on pages where membership doesn't even get you anything!

Don't worry, we promise not to sell your information!*

*But we sure will spam the shit out of you, and send your email to all of our subsidiaries.

Why are sites so annoying. Can we just stop?